A Fluff Problem?

December 28, 2007 at 4:42 pm 2 comments

My cat mouse is a ball of fluff. Since I’m at work most of the day I usually come home exhausted and want nothing but to lie down and relax on my bed, only to find a layer of cat fur on my duvet!! Eww. 

Ever heard of a bedskirt?

Bedskirts may have come into vogue to camouflage storage areas beneath the bed,or a more practical purpose for the bedskirt may also be to reduce dust directly beneath the bed, and thus reducing the proximity of dust mites to the bedding itself. In my case I wanna prevent what goes ON my bed not what goes underneath it:)

Bedskirts can be found in a variety of places in Kuwait. Try Sears, Centerpoint or True Value.

So before you leave the house to go anywhere or when you wake up in the morning to go to work, make your bed, cover it with a bed skirt and your cat can stay in your bed all he wants, except this time you won’t find any fur on your duvet:). They also are very easy to  wash so you can wash them every 1-2 weeks.

Washing bedskirt

If you have pets my standard cycle would be:

1. Cycle of water and Dettolthingy2.jpg

2. Cycle of water and soap

3. Cycle of water, soap, and fabric softener

And if you are environmentally friendly like my sis, here is an alternative way to washing your laundry:)

Happy Cleaning!!!:) 

Entry filed under: pets corner.

Luna’s Ultimate Baked Potato Soup A Little Christmas Heaven

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. intlxpatr  |  December 29, 2007 at 4:55 pm

    Very clever, Luna. I keep several pieces of furniture covered with towels, which I whisk off when guests arrive. Last night, a guest arrived unexpectedly, was taken into the living room and here were these towels all over. It was AWFUL!

    I love your bedskirt solution to the bedding problem!

  • 2. lunapacis  |  December 30, 2007 at 5:32 pm

    inxplatr: hehe oh dear…..bedskirts could work on your furniture as well, or if you have some old curtains/material that are of a similar colour to your furniture, what you can do is drape those over your furniture and voila!:)


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